December 12, 2005

This week FHL brings to you the freshest profile in Youth Freeheel out there. This is something we are proud to be doing and will continue to do it in the future. We are also presenting a challenge to our online readers to go out and compete this year and help the sport grow. Enjoy the new articles and features this week!

If you are interested in advertising with FHL please contact for a media kit. As of January 1, 2006 we will begin advertising relationships with various companies.

Tough Guy Productions have been out on the Total Telemark Tour for the past couple of weeks and Nat Ross told us, “Things are going well. Its great to give people the opportunity to get on all of these skis before they buy them.” We wish them all the best of luck as they complete the last couple of tour dates this week.
Thanks! – The FHL Crew

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